Same Sex Kiss Day at Starbucks
Can I have a Double-Mocha fat-free….and a big KISS??
This one-day event coincides with “Tax Day” to highlight the fact that “LGBT couples have yet to be granted the same rights to file our taxes jointly on a Federal level, and we can still be fired for being openly gay in the workplace. That’s why you’re encouraged to be seen on Tax Day, April 15, 2009, spreading your love with a KISS!”
Same Sex Kiss Day calls for couples to go to a neighborhood Starbucks coffee shop and during one (or all, if you wish) of four designated times throughout the day, exchange a kiss with your same sex partner or friend. The set times are at 7:15 am, 12:15 pm, 5:15 pm, and 8:15 pm.
Why Starbucks? Well according to the Same Sex Kiss Day site, “Starbucks has been committed to LGBT rights since the beginning of time offering domestic partnership insurance, quoting gay artists on their coffee cups, and funding our gay pride parades.”
Hallmark HAS NOT created a card for this yet.